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LoveweddingsNG visits Google’s #DigitalGarage

LoveweddingsNG Google Digital Garage12

If you follow LoveweddingsNG on social media, you’ll probably already know that I paid a visit to Google’s #DigitalGarage on Wednesday, the 13th of May, 2015. I had an amazing day hanging out with all the Google experts and learning new things. I attended two training events titled – ‘Tell Your Story Online’ and ‘Reaching New Customers Online‘.

I totally recommend that you go to the Digital Garage, if you can. It was totally worth it. You can book to attend any of the training events by registering HERE. Better still, you can book a one-on-one mentoring session with a Google expert. It’s absolutely free so if I were you, I’d take advantage of this golden opportunity to give your business the digital tune-up it deserves.

Here are a few pictures I took. (Sorry about the quality!!! Blame my phone :))


The Pods
Gori Yahaya (Head of the #DigitalGarage) and Seyi
Becky and Seyi
Goodie Bag

If you’re able to attend, let us know. We’d love to read from you

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