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5 Minutes With… Tonbra | Anaiah Grace Event

5 Minutes With Tonbra Nwos Anaiah Grace Events LoveweddingsNG

Tonbra Nwos is the founder / creative director at Anaiah Grace Event, a wedding and event design company with a passion for designing creative and stylish events. Tonbra has always been in the events design space starting as far back as 12 years ago when she designed the wedding of her older sister and subsequently, weddings and parties for friends and other family members. Anaiah Grace was founded in 2014 following the wedding of yet another sister, short of hearing a voice from heaven, It was clear it was time to stick with it what was obviously her passion. Tonbra is a floral designer and a balloon artist and enjoys opportunities to combine both creative passions. Anaiah Grace is named after Tonbra’s two daughters, Anaiah and Lily-Grace who she shares the passion of raising, in London, with her wonderful husband.

Your Brand In Three Words… Passion, Creativity and Style

The Part of My Job I Enjoy The Most… I love the energy an event brings. I particularly love being one of the first vendors to arrive on site and It’s usually tranquil and eerily quiet before the party begins. Knowing the work we put in is the basis for the happiness and memories to come is pretty special to us. Plus, there’s also the upside of meeting new and amazing people fairly regularly.

What’s the most difficult part of your job? Getting clients excited about things that are out of the norm. Clients who give full creative reign to come up with original concepts are few and far between. Unfortunately, this means creative talents are becoming redundant as clients will rather find what they want online and ask for it to be replicated.

My Biggest Accomplishment To Date… Getting the opportunity to work with world renowned florist Karen Tran twice. First was during her floral masterclass here in London and the other was working with her on the design for her book launch. Both experiences were magical.

Tonbra with Karen Tran

The Best Vendor You’ve Worked With… Malkia Roberts – her creativity and work ethic are simply out of this world

One Quality Every Nigerian Wedding Vendor Must Have and Why? Professionalism would be my answer. Oh and a commitment to providing the best service everytime

Does anything scare you? Not using up all the potential within. It’s a thought that constantly stays on my mind.. I am my biggest critic and I constantly search for ways to challenge and better myself

Your thoughts on social media? I find it to be very engaging and I love the immense the benefits it brings to businesses worldwide. The dark side to it though is the temptation to get too caught up and only see life through the lenses of outward perception.

In my Spare Time, I don’t know what this means.. haha. Just kidding. Actually, I make a conscious effort to create spare time and when I do, it’s usually spent doing very simple things like pretending to be whoever my daughters cast me as in their very many playtime escapades … quite enjoyable most times 🙂

Interesting Fact about You, I have an MSc. in Process and Environmental Systems Engineering …. A little too qualified for event decor right? What can I say; the heart wants what it wants

What Songs Are Currently on Replay? Ah, not on replay but I like the songs below

What Book are you currently reading, or what was the last book you read? Good to Great by Jim Collins

Call or Text? Call. I am not big on texting… never have been. I like instant responses. It says a lot of my patience, doesn’t it? 🙂 

Cook or Be Cooked For? It depends … I like to cook when I have the time, otherwise, being cooked for is very very welcome

Favorite Food… I love chicken.. I can eat it with anything, all day everyday

What’s your favourite item of clothing? I like dresses – accessorised right and you are ready to go anywhere.

Ideal Holiday Destination… Probably the Maldives. I haven’t been before but I hear amazing things about it.

Any Pets? Nope. But I am thinking of getting a fish – That’s probably as far as I can stretch 🙂

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