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Ruth & Daniel’s love story is one of faith and grace | #AStoryofGrace19

Pastor Ruth and Daniel’s love story is one of faith and grace. These two were meant to meet when they did and you’ll see God’s divine arrangement play out in their love story. One of the key points we’ve taken away from their love story is this line shared by the bride-to-be “God sees eternity, therefore, His decisions are ultimately better than mine could ever be.

We hope that the #AStoryofGrace19 renews your hope in God that he really is the author and finisher of our faith and with him, all things are possible.


His story

Before I met Ruth, my prayer was for God to give me a wife that loves Him whole heartedly, honours and is submissive to His will, a wife that’s hard working, focussed, and purpose driven. One that is a helper of destiny, loving, caring, believes in me, advises me, and worships and serves the Lord with me till the day we meet the Lord.

The story began on a faithful Tuesday evening when one of our cell group members by the name of Mimi invited a lovely, beautiful, smart, focus, goal driven Godly woman into our cell meeting. And from the first day I laid my eyes on her, I knew that she was a treasure more precious than gold and silver and nothing can be compared to her.

I noticed as I was teaching the word of God, she was searching the scriptures to confirm my doctrine. I also noticed her knowledge and wisdom toward God and love for Christ Jesus as she was sharing her heart with us. She was deeper than my wildest imagination and from that moment I knew that she was the one for me. I also felt the Lord say to me that I was looking at my prayer request, a woman after His own heart. That she is the epitome of His beauty, the expression of His glory and the perfection of His grace.  

After the cell meeting, we prayed for her and everyone left and went home. But Ruth forgot her phone at my house so I phoned Mimi and told her that her friend left her phone at mine. Ruth came back to quickly grab her phone but that night, I knew we would meet again. Few days later the Lord prompted her to call me in order to help me look for a new job. When we spokefor the first time, we spoke for almost 2 hours, about career aspirations, ministry, life and our interest were so much alike. From then on, I knew she would be my wife.  

How I met Daniel – Ruth

Well I can only say that it was God’s will and timing. Way back in 2017, God and I were having lots of conversations about marriage and my life partner. God was reminding me that He runs my life and I need to let Him run this aspect too. See, I had faith that God would give me a life partner, but over time I became stuck on it happening a certain way.

I wrestled through 2017 with God telling me to let go of the way I thought He would do it and finally in September 2017, God told my Pastor that I was being stubborn. I remember the day my Pastor called a meeting with my ministry sisters and best friends. I didn’t know what the meeting was about only to find that my Pastor was saying word for word what God had been dealing with me about.

I felt like letting go was like saying that I didn’t have faith anymore. On the contrary, God assured me that letting go meant that my faith was sealed in Him. That He would give me what He had promised and that it would be far above my own expectations. I released my grip on this area of my life and I would whisper God’s promises back to Him every morning when I woke up, reminding Him that He said He would work it out.

Well, even when something seems long to us, it really doesn’t take God long at all. I first laid eyes on Daniel that same September. My friend, Mimi had invited me to her church. I arrived and as I parked up in the residential area; someone had blocked a neighbour’s driveway. The neighbour attributed the driver to the church and threatened to call traffic enforcement. I pleaded with him and took a picture of the car with the aim of asking an usher at the church to have an announcement made so the driver could move the car.

When I arrived at my Mimi’s church, I spoke to a female usher who sent me to a male usher.  The male usher was very polite, took my phone and did the necessary (turns out the driver was not a church member!). But this brief encounter with the male usher was memorable. I thought (very briefly) how handsome he was and why hadn’t I met him before? Then I concluded that he must be engaged or married – besides, he didn’t pay me any attention. After the service, I couldn’t quite shake the thought of this usher (whose name I did not know).

Fast forward to February 2018, pancake day. My friend Deji throws an annual pancake day party and I was late (as usual). On arriving, I met Mimi by the door and in the process of talking she mentioned that she came with Daniel. I told her I didn’t know him so she said I should pop around the corner and that I would recognise him. I shrugged my shoulders and said ok – dismissing the whole thing. I got around the corner and lo and behold it was the handsome usher – so now I knew his name! By the end of the evening, he, Mimi and I got chatting and I agreed to attend their home group the following week, thinking it was at Mimi’s house.

It was a complete surprise to me thatTuesday evening when I called Mimi to confirm the time of home group, that she said I should pick her up so we could go over to Daniel’s place as he leads and hosts her home group. We arrived at Daniel’s flat and he was hospitable. I thought nothing more of it and when home group finished, I dropped Mimi home.

As we arrived at Mimi’s, he called her and said I left my phone. It was the weirdest thing as I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me regarding my phone when we were driving to Mimi’s but my response was it’s in my bag. On my way, I swung round to get my phone – again Daniel was a gentleman and brought the phone out. Mind you, he still didn’t pay me any special attention so my assumption that he was not available was intact.

Whilst at home group the first time, Daniel had spoken about looking for a new role. I enjoy reviewing CVs and cover letters and felt like I should offer, but decided against it. But the Holy Spirit kept prompting me andI couldn’t shake the feeling that I should offer to help. Eventually, I called up Mimi and asked her how she thought he would react if I asked to help with his CV. Her response was encouraging so I took his number from her and sent him a text. He responded humbly; no pretence and accepted my offer to assist him. This is how we started talking and before I knew it, we were discussing much more than the CV! 

A few weeks later, Daniel asked to take me out at a time that was convenient for me. My Pastor gave his blessing and we went out. Whilst out, we chatted about everything and nothing as we usually do, but at a point in our conversation, we got talking about marriage and Daniel was clear about where he saw our friendship going. To him, this was more than two friends hanging out. He was intentional. I respected him for this and told him that I needed to pray about whether He was God’s will for me. I didn’t want to make a decision based on what I could see, because God sees eternity therefore His decisions are ultimately better than mine could ever be. I told Daniel I needed to fast and pray about it and would take a week out from chatting to him. He agreed and said he would fast and pray too.

During my week of praying and fasting, God reminded me of a scripture He had laid on my heart years before concerning the nature of my marriage and the type of man I would marry. I received it.

The day I was due to give Daniel a response, my dad was rushed into hospital so we had to postpone it until the Sunday after church. The Sunday sermon that day was exactly the scripture God has brought to my remembrance ‘As for me and my house’. I could not believe it as I had not shared what God had been specifically telling me with anyone. How amazing that God would confirm His word through His Prophet (my Pastor).

So Daniel and I met up after church and I shared with him that I felt that we were meant to be together. The moment was rather surreal, but God was definitely in it. I told Daniel that my church protocol requires that he meets my Pastor, and if he passed then he would need to meet my parents before we could officially court. Daniel was surprised by the protocol, but he agreed it was a great way to safeguard both me and him. Safe to say, he met my Pastor and family and we began courting.

Just a few months into our courtship, and three days after he met my dad (he hadn’t met my dad previously because he was gravely ill and was in between the hospital and the hospice), the unthinkable occurred – my dad slept in the Lord. I am grateful that Daniel got to meet my dad before he left us to be with the Lord. A visiting pastor said these words of encouragement during the thanksgiving service following my dad’s burial:

             “God always provides comfort in advance”

​At the time, no one except my pastor, family and best friends knew about Daniel. God indeed did provided me a blessing and a comfort in the person of Daniel. I can’t wait to see what God does with our union. Our declaration is certainly, “as for us and our house, we will serve the Lord”.


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