What is the LoveweddingsNG directory?
The LoveWeddingsNG directory is an online platform that profiles hundreds of product and service providers in the wedding and event industry. You’ll find photographers, makeup artists, event planners, bakers, videographers, decorators, DJ’s and every other service provider you need to hire for your wedding or event.
We currently have vendors listed in several major cities around the world including Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt, London, Dubai and more.
I would like to list my company on the LoveWeddingsNG directory. How can I join the directory?
We’re always looking for amazing wedding vendors and we’ll be glad to learn more about your wedding business. If you’re interested in listing your company on the LoveWeddingsNG directory, please fill the form below and we’ll get back in touch.
How much would it cost to list my company on the LoveWeddingsNG directory?
Listing your company on the LoveWeddingsNG directory on our basic listing option is currently FREE. However, each listing submission is subject to review and approval by our team. We do this to maintain the credibility of our directory.
Once your company is listed on our basic listing option, you can upgrade to our Featured Vendor option for a monthly fee.
How long is my listing valid for?
Your listing on the LoveWeddingsNG directory is valid for a year from the date your listing is published. To ensure our list of vendors is up-to-date, we ask vendors to renew their listings every year. This helps us ensure that our readers only have access to vendors who are still trading.
I’d like to update the images and/or videos shown on my listing. How can I do this?
Easy. Send us a mail at info(at)loveweddingsng(dot)com clearly stating what you’ll like to update, add or remove with any relevant details (text, video, images, etc) and we’ll update your listing as soon as possible.
How many images and/or videos can I submit per listing?
Between 10 and 15; however, please note that after reviewing the images and/or videos submitted, we reserve the right to select specific images and videos, which we believe will appeal to our audience.
What’s the image resolution for photos on the LoveWeddingsNG Directory?
Please send all images in high resolution and at least 1024 x 768 pixels.
For the Terms and Conditions of the LoveWeddingsNG vendor directory