We love a good shoot!!! Particularly when it has lots of colours. It’s not very often that we see pictures from a shoot and publish every single picture. Everything came together nicely in this shoot… the model’s beautiful smile, makeup, colors, gele, and the lovely pictures.

- Model: Ope
- Beads: Tavin Beads
- Makeup & Gele: Glamtouch Makeovers | Instagram
- Asooke: Daloom Asooke
- Photography: Photographer Charlie
Daloom Asooke (Nigerian AsoOke Supplier)Daloom Asooke (Nigerian Wedding Vendor)Glamtouch Makeovers (Nigerian Makeup Artist)GlamTouch Makeovers (Nigerian wedding Vendor)LoveweddingsNG Glamtouch MakeoversNigerian Traditional BridePhotographer Charlie (Nigerian Wedding Photographer)Photographer Charlie (Nigerian Wedding Vendor)Tavin Beads (Nigerian Beads)Tavin Beads (Nigerian Wedding Vendor)Traditional Bridal Makeup
A Nigerian and African wedding website that connects brides with brands they love. Sharing daily wedding inspiration, ideas, love stories, and more. Find us @loveweddingsng on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, Get in touch via email at info@loveweddingsng.com